The Eye Gallery

Vision Therapy in Wichita, KS

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Improve Your Sight with Vision Therapy

It’s easy to take your vision for granted. Most of us are lucky, enjoying eyesight that works without thinking of it. But in reality, your eyesight is incredibly complex. 

To see properly, the brain and eyes have to work together perfectly. A variety of skills make up the visual system, and if something is out of sync, your sight can suffer.

Fact: One out of four children struggle with reading and learning unnecessarily due to undiagnosed vision problems. In addition, approximately 60% of problem learners have undiagnosed vision problems contributing to their difficulties. 

If you’re experiencing vision issues, eyeglasses, contacts, and surgery aren’t the only options. Vision therapy uses methods, including exercises, tools, and technology, to retrain your sight. Book a consultation today to see if vision therapy is right for you.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision Therapy is a treatment plan used to correct or improve the way your visual system functions. There are 17 visual skills that make up your visual system, and if these skills aren’t properly developed, it can affect your sight.

Vision therapy consists of a series of eye exercises in combination with therapeutic lenses, prisms, patches, colored filters, and other tools to train your visual system to perform more effectively and efficiently. 

At The Eye Gallery, we take the time to understand what’s causing your poor vision and will customize a treatment plan based on your needs. A personalized plan can help you develop and improve visual skills to obtain the most comfortable and efficient vision possible. 

The best news? Vision therapy can benefit people of all ages! It’s never too late to achieve better eyesight through vision therapy.

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What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

There are a variety of situations in which vision therapy can be helpful. It can help improve hand-eye coordination, visual awareness, and improve your athletic performance. Vision therapy can also help people who read below grade level, have learning difficulties, or have special needs.

Vision therapy can also be used as a treatment for certain health conditions. 

Convergence Insufficiency

Convergence is the coordinated movement and focus of our two eyes inward on close objects. This is a vital skill for viewing phones, tablets, computers, and books comfortably. Convergence Insufficiency is a common problem with the development of these skills. The eyes do not come together efficiently and effectively when looking at near objects and symptoms may develop, such as: eye strain, headaches, double vision, difficulty reading and concentrating, avoidance of near work, poor sports performance, and dizziness or motion sickness. The American Optometric Association and the 2008 Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial clearly support the superiority of office-based vision therapy for treatment of convergence insufficiency. 

Strabismus & Amblyopia

Strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye) are eye conditions caused by eye misalignment. This misalignment can affect the quality of your vision. Vision therapy can help train the brain and nervous system to better control the eye muscles.

Traumatic Brain Injuries & Concussions

Brain injuries and concussions can lead to a variety of vision problems. If you’ve suffered from a brain injury or concussion, you might find it difficult to read, write, or perform other daily tasks. Studies show that 90% of Traumatic Brain Injury patients suffer from Visual Dysfunctions such as: blurred vision, sensitivity to light, reduction or loss of visual field, headaches with visual tasks, reading difficulty, poor visual attention, and difficulties with eye movements.  Vision therapy and rehabilitation can help you recover these visual abilities.

See Better, Live Better

Vision therapy is a powerful tool to help you see clearly, efficiently, and effectively. Book an appointment today to find out what vision therapy can do for you.

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12330 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206

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Phone: (316) 315-0321

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