The Eye Gallery

Myopia Control in Wichita

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Stop Myopia in Its Tracks with The Eye Gallery

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry. Myopia is common in the US: nearly 50% of Americans have it. Myopia occurs when the eye is longer than normal, or the cornea is curved too steeply.

The exact cause of myopia is complex, but recent studies have shown that it is becoming more common among children. It is believed that it’s likely a combination of genetics and environmental factors that lead to the development of myopia.

Myopia is easily diagnosed during a comprehensive eye exam. Because children’s eyes are constantly changing, it is recommended that they undergo annual eye exams, especially once they enter school.

How Is Myopia Treated?

While there is no cure for myopia, it can be managed with eyeglasses or contact lenses. There are also several methods of controlling or slowing myopia progression in children.

Orthokeratology Contact Lenses

Orthokeratology contact lenses (Ortho-K) are specialized contact lenses worn overnight to provide clear, glasses-free vision during the day. They work by flattening the cornea while you sleep, so light is focused correctly.

However, the results are temporary as the eye will slowly go back to normal when you stop using them. There is also some evidence that Ortho-K lenses will provide some permanent relief in myopia symptoms.

There is promising evidence that shows that nightly use of low-dose atropine drops can slow the progression of myopia in children. The mechanism of how this works is not entirely known, but it’s believed they prevent the eyes from growing too much.

Worn by children between 6 and 12, these lenses work for slowing myopia by defocusing peripheral vision while making central vision clear. It is believed that blurring peripheral vision will help slow the progression of myopia.

Help Your Child See Life Clearly with Myopia Control

If your child has been diagnosed with myopia, Dr. Baldwin and our team of eye care professionals at The Eye Gallery are happy to discuss your options for myopia control. Please book an appointment so we can perform a full, comprehensive eye exam and go over the best options for you and your child.

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12330 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206

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