The Eye Gallery

Contact Lens Exams & Fittings

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See Life Clearly with Contact Lenses

If you wear glasses, you may have considered switching to contact lenses at some point. If you dislike the hassle of eyeglasses but don’t want to commit to refractive vision correction, contacts may be the perfect solution for you.

Contact lenses offer many benefits over eyeglasses, like clearer vision, a more natural field of view, excellent peripheral vision, and won’t fog or steam up. You can also wear non-prescription sunglasses and specialized sports and safety eyewear compromising on style or protection!

However, contact lenses do sit directly on the eye’s surface and require a thorough eye exam and fitting to determine if they’re a good solution for your eyewear needs.

At The Eye Gallery, we provide comprehensive contact lens exams and go into great depth and detail to ensure your contacts are properly suited to your eyes. It’s our priority that you enjoy clear, comfortable vision for many years.

The Contact Lens Exam

A contact lens exam is similar to a routine eye exam but with a few extra tests specifically focused on contact lens use.

You will undergo all the same tests you do during your regular eye exams, such as a visual acuity test and refraction assessment, glaucoma test, and slit lamp exam. However, we will also evaluate your eye health for extended contact lens wear, whether you’re new to contact lenses or have been wearing them for years.

Because your ocular health is our utmost priority, we perform a fluorescein eye stain test during every contact lens exam. This test involves applying a dye (fluorescein) to your eye to evaluate the surface of your cornea.

This fluorescein dye test will help us determine if you have any corneal abnormalities, injuries, scarring, or abnormal tear production. It will also reveal damage or irritation caused by long-term contact lens use.

The Contact Lens Fitting

To ensure the best fit of contact lens, we’ll take a series of measurements, including your corneal curvature and the horizontal and vertical diameters of your pupils and irises during your fitting. We will also teach you all there is to know about contact lens hygiene and care and show you how to insert and remove them.

You will then be sent home with a trial pair. You’ll be required to come back for a follow-up exam so we can evaluate how the lenses are fitting, ensure they’re not causing any damage, and see how you’re adjusting to them.

Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right style, brand, and fit. If you ever experience issues with your current contact lenses, let us know so we can make any necessary adjustments. We want to ensure your eyes remain healthy and comfortable and that your vision remains crisp and clear. There are so many different types of contact lenses that there’s likely one that will fit your lifestyle.

Our Services

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Our Address

12330 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206

Contact Information

Phone: (316) 315-0321

Our Hours

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9 AM5 PM


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