The Eye Gallery

Children’s Eye Exams

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Growing Eyes Need the Most Attention

We know how challenging it can be to get kids to cooperate, especially since the equipment we use can be scary and intimidating. We’ve paid extra attention to making our clinic kid-friendly and safe, with a kid’s area, books, toys, and activities to keep your kids entertained and relaxed.

For our littlest patients, Dr. Megan and the eye care professionals at The Eye Gallery go the extra distance to make eye exams as fun and non-invasive as possible.

Schedule a quick, essential children’s eye exam at The Eye Gallery today.

Routine Eye Exams Protect Your Children’s Ocular Health

Imagine trying to learn when your vision is blurry, but you don’t realize the problem. Since nearly 80% of learning is visual, your children need to have healthy eyes and strong visual skills.

Eye exams will also allow us to detect and provide treatments for childhood visual problems, like strabismus and amblyopia, and refractive errors like nearsightedness or astigmatism.

When Do Children Need Their Eyes Checked?

Children require eye exams that coincide with their major visual milestones to ensure their eyes are growing properly and catch any potential visual problems before they interfere in your child’s overall development.

Newborns, Infants, & Toddlers

Babies aren’t born with perfect eyesight; instead, they learn and gain new visual skills and abilities as they grow. An optometrist should check your newborn’s eyes for basic indicators of ocular disease. This may include a red reflex test and a blink and pupil response test.

When your baby is between 6 and 12 months old, they should receive a comprehensive eye exam. This exam will look again at your child’s overall ocular health and check the eyes’ mobility and alignment.

Between the ages of 1 and 2, your child’s eye-hand coordination and depth perception will be well developed.

When your child is between 3 and 5, your child’s visual acuity, muscle strength, and alignment should be checked.

Infants and toddlers may start showing signs of strabismus, amblyopia, refractive errors, or other focusing problems. These conditions can affect your child’s ability to learn and develop and may lead to vision impairment if not treated.

When your child enters school, they’ll face increasing demands on their eyes. They’ll gain additional visual skills to learn, read, write, and even play sports. Visual skills needed for academic and extracurricular success include:

  • Visual acuity
  • Eye focusing
  • Eye tracking
  • Eye teaming
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Visual perception
  • Recognition
  • Comprehension
  • Retention

If any of these skills are lacking, or if your child has an undiagnosed refractive error, your child will have to work harder to learn and understand effectively.

The Eye Exam Process

Tests Performed

Our eye exams are broken down into two parts: pre-testing, which is completed by an optometric assistant, and doctor evaluation, which is conducted by Dr. Baldwin.

The pre-testing involves several non-invasive diagnostic tests, including:

Dr. Baldwin may perform additional tests as needed.

Symptoms of Possible Eye Problems

They may be subtle, but your child may display some signs that could indicate a potential vision problem. These include:

  • An eye turning in, out, up, or down
  • Frequent eye rubbing
  • Frequent headaches
  • Covering one eye or squinting
  • Complaints of discomfort or fatigue
  • Avoiding reading or other detailed activities
  • Holding reading material too close to the face
  • Losing place while reading
  • Short attention span
  • Difficulty focusing on a task

If you notice your child exhibiting these symptoms, please book them for an eye exam as soon as possible.

Please know that our eye exams are non-invasive, and every step is made to ensure your child’s comfort throughout the exam. If your child requires glasses, we have a great selection of trendy and stylish frames that are designed to keep up with your kids.

Protect your child’s eyes by booking an appointment today!

Our Services

Our Location

Our Address

12330 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206

Contact Information

Phone: (316) 315-0321

Our Hours

9 AM5 PM
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