The Eye Gallery

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Taking the Guesswork Out of Eye Care

Our eyes are incredible but complicated and fragile organs.

Inside the eye is an intricate network of blood vessels, cells, nerves, and structures that all work together and allow you to see the world. They also paint a telling picture of your health.

Not only can we detect developing eye diseases, but we can also see signs of diabetes, stroke, and other health concerns.

Our investment in you is our investment in our state-of-the-art technology, which gives us the ability to see an incredible level of detail that we rely on during every eye exam.

State-Of-The-Art Eye Care Equipment

Our investment in leading-edge technology is our investment in your health. We can take detailed images of the eye accurately to within 5 microns.

This level of accuracy allows us to accurately diagnose many eye diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, when they are in their very early stages. The earlier an eye disease is diagnosed, the more successful treatment often is.

Eye Disease Diagnostic Imaging

The Icare tonometer is a non-invasive and gentle tool that provides accurate readings of your internal eye pressure without that uncomfortable “puff of air.”

Increased eye pressure (intraocular pressure) is an early sign of glaucoma, a serious eye disease with no early warning signs, and can lead to vision loss and blindness. A glaucoma screening is an essential part of every eye exam, but it doesn’t need to be painful or scary. That’s why we use the Icare tonometer.

Caring for your eyes can preserve your vision and ensure they stay healthy, longer. Book an appointment today!

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Our Address

12330 E. 21st St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206

Contact Information

Phone: (316) 315-0321

Our Hours

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Our Blog

What Vitamins Are Good For Dry Eyes?

What Vitamins Are Good For Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes can be incredibly uncomfortable, making your eyes feel scratchy, irritated, and fatigued. Many of those who experience dry eyes might notice symptoms such as stinging, burning sensations, blurred vision, light sensitivity, or even difficulty wearing contact lenses.  The symptoms of dry eye can disrupt daily tasks like reading, driving, or staring at a […]

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December 27, 2024
Dry Eye, Eye Care

Dry eyes can be incredibly uncomfortable, making your eyes feel scratchy, irritated, and fatigued. Many of those who experience dry eyes might notice symptoms such as stinging, burning sensations, blurred vision, light sensitivity, or even difficulty wearing contact lenses.  The symptoms of dry eye can disrupt daily tasks like reading, driving, or staring at a […]

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Can I Use Eye Drops With Contacts?

Can I Use Eye Drops With Contacts?

Wearing contact lenses has become a daily habit for many people. It’s convenient and offers a great way to see clearly without the need for glasses. But if you’re someone who uses eye drops, you might wonder if it’s okay to use them while wearing contacts. Are all eye drops safe to use, or are […]

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December 3, 2024
Contact Lenses, Eye Care

Wearing contact lenses has become a daily habit for many people. It’s convenient and offers a great way to see clearly without the need for glasses. But if you’re someone who uses eye drops, you might wonder if it’s okay to use them while wearing contacts. Are all eye drops safe to use, or are […]

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Can Low Iron Cause Blurry Vision?

Can Low Iron Cause Blurry Vision?

Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, is a common health issue that can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. But can low iron also affect your eyesight? Yes, low iron levels can cause blurry vision as one of its lesser-known symptoms. This occurs because iron plays a crucial role in […]

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October 25, 2024
Eye Care, Eye Health Conditions

Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, is a common health issue that can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. But can low iron also affect your eyesight? Yes, low iron levels can cause blurry vision as one of its lesser-known symptoms. This occurs because iron plays a crucial role in […]

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