Glaucoma is a progressive eye condition that can eventually damage the optic nerve. This condition often begins without causing any noticeable symptoms and can lead to long-term vision loss if left unaddressed. Fortunately, your optometrist can detect glaucoma during a routine eye exam. But why does glaucoma develop? Is glaucoma hereditary? Genetics and family history […]
How Long Are Eyeglass Prescriptions Good For?
Understanding how long your eyeglass prescription lasts is as essential as realizing when your annual physical exam is due. Like the rest of your body, your vision changes, sometimes gradually and other times quite suddenly. So, when it comes to those glasses that help you navigate the world with clarity and style, how long can […]
Why Are My Eyes Dry When I Wake Up?
Dry eye in the morning is a common, yet often overlooked, issue. It can be particularly common for individuals who sleep with fans or heat running, spend their days looking at screens, or take certain medications that increase the likelihood of dry eye. If you’re waking up with dry eyes often, there may be an […]
How Long Do Vision Problems Last After a Concussion?
There isn’t a single answer to how long vision problems last after a concussion because it’s determined by several varying factors like the severity of the concussion, part of the brain affected, or an individual’s vision before the concussion. You may have vision problems for as little as a few weeks, but they could last […]
How Long After a Stye Can You Wear Contacts
Dealing with a stye can be an uncomfortable experience, especially for those who rely on contact lenses for clear vision. One common concern is determining how long after a stye you can safely resume wearing contact lenses. When you’re determining when to resume wearing contact lenses, the factors to consider include the severity of the […]
Can Myopia be Reversed?
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is caused by the eye’s inability to focus on distant objects, resulting in blurred vision. While glasses and contact lenses can help to correct the condition, many people are looking for ways to reverse myopia naturally. Myopia cannot […]
IPL vs. Radiofrequency for Dry Eye
Dry eye disease is a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide. While it can be irritating, uncomfortable, and even painful at times, there is good news! Through forms of dry eye therapy like intense pulsed light (IPL) or radiofrequency (RF), you can find relief with the help of your optometrist. But are these treatments […]
How Do Multifocal Contacts Work?
When it comes to vision correction, contact lenses have become an incredible solution for people looking to avoid traditional eyeglasses. But contacts can be so much more than just a simple lens. With a few adjustments, they can be used to correct various vision problems—like presbyopia. Multifocal contact lenses contain multiple prescriptions in one lens—one […]
How to Develop Vital Visual Skills
Your vision is a complex system that involves the brain and the eyes working together. But did you know that healthy eyesight is not just about seeing clearly? Nurturing other skills to strengthen your eyes and visual systems is also important. Vision therapy can help develop visual skills using various eye exercises and tools. What […]
Can Dry Eye Cause Headaches?
Having dry eyes can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, including redness, irritation, and a gritty or burning sensation in your eyes—but can it also cause headaches? Some individuals may experience dry eye symptoms and headaches at the same time. However, there is insufficient research to conclude that dry eye can cause headaches. If […]